

LabPub - Publication Workshop



Coordination (2020/2021)
Francesco Vacchiano
João Pina-Cabral
Amanda Guerreiro


Publishing an academic paper is always a challenge:

  • Can we be sure our readers understand correctly what we mean to say?
  • In view of the topic, what references should we address?
  • Are there some obvious references that momentarily have escaped our attention?
  • Would the argument come out better if set in a slightly different way?
  • Where should we aim to publish this paper?
  • What will it take for the ideal journal to think the paper is good for them?

Both as we prepare a paper for submission to a journal, and later on, when we are sent the referee’s reactions (and so often, what reactions!!), we have all asked ourselves this kind of question.  A good debate among trustworthy colleagues concerning a paper we are preparing for submission can be an invaluable help.

With this in mind, our Research Group has been organizing a Publications Workshop (LabPub) since September 2020.

The following is the agreed operating model:

  1. The LabPub is structured in seasons. In the current academic year, 2021/2022, we will have only one season, running from November 2021 to March 2022. Meetings take place via Zoom on Fridays at 11:00 am.
  2. Within each season, the operating regime is mutualistic – that is, we comment on each other’s texts. Therefore, in order for there to be reciprocity, all presenters are expected to be present both as readers and as commentators in all of the meetings of the season.
  3. The 3 LabPub organisers will also be present in every session (sometimes, one of them can be replaced by another colleague if necessary).
  4. The author sends the text to Amanda Guerreiro five days before the session. At this point, the author writes 3 or 4 short phrases contextualising the text and indicating its status regarding publication plans.
  5. Each meeting has four rounds:
    1. A first round in which the participants (except the author) make general comments on the text;
    2. A second round where more specific comments are made;
    3. The author responds to the comments concerning how s/he might address the issues raised;
    4. We close with a final round of fully open debate.

The calendar for the current season sessions has not yet been set. The participants, besides the coordinators, will be: Virgínia Calado, Susana Viegas, Ana Margarida Santos and Francesca Esposito.


Dates of the sessions 

26/11/21 Virgínia Calado
14/01/21 Susana Viegas

For this system to work, it is essential that it be fully mutualistic.  Thus, all members of each season must insert all the sessions in their calendar in advance so as to be sure to be present.

Dates and presenters for the next sessions will be announced by the end of November 2021.